Our planning group, led by Dr. Anhua Wei, has been working with regulators, producers and consulting firms for the past 15 years providing expertise in the areas of wetland, wildlife and GIS/remote sensing services. Dr. Wei holds a Ph.D in Ecology and a GIS Specialist Certificate from McMaster University. His educational background and knowledge of wetland policy is an asset when assisting clients in acquiring regulatory approval for developments in environmentally sensitive areas.

Client benefits:

  • Experience with the ASPB’s wetland practice area committee – providing our clients a thorough understanding of the wetland policy and how it applies to your project.

  • Experience with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (OMNRF) as a Wildlife Biologist – providing expertise in the field of wildlife and habitat inventory including geospatial modeling for population size estimation and wildlife habitat evaluation.

  • GIS expertise can assist in upfront pipeline routing - Aurora can pick the most direct route for a pipeline while avoiding environmentally sensitive receptors.

  • Experience working in diverse ecosystems throughout Canada.

Dr. Wei’s extensive knowledge of wetland ecosystems along with his GIS expertise provides Aurora’s client base a streamlined approach to acquiring licensing and regulatory approvals on both public and private lands. Aurora’s land group is able to provide our clients one point of contact while completing land and environmental planning scopes of work.

Aurora’s expertise is able to accurately define wetland boundaries, making field assessments more focused and cost effective and assists clients in siting their facilities in areas that reduce environmental impact and the cost of reclamation.

Aurora provides a wide range of Biophysical Services to meet the environmental needs of projects in all sectors including Oil & Gas, Pipelines, Utilities, Sand & Gravel, Forestry, Solar, Wind, and Municipalities. Click on a Biophysical Service categories above to learn more about how Aurora can assist with your project.